
How will Increasability help me grow?

See what's happening, as it's happening.

Easy-to-read dashboards

  • Get started right away - no setup needed - with an instant overview of your shop via Increasability's Home Report
  • Create multiple dashboards showing you exactly what you need to know for custom reporting
  • Generate clear, accessible, attractive pie, bar, line charts and data tables on selected metrics with drag 'n' drop builder

Real time reporting

Monitor Traffic

Monitor Traffic

Monitor your website traffic and find out where your visitors are coming from so you can see which channels are worth investing in

Conversion reporting

Conversion Reporting

Get conversion reporting from individual websites so you can see what's working

Inbound Referral Links

Inbound Referral Links

Create, manage and get reports on your inbound referral links

Social Influencers

Social Influencers

See who your social media Influencers are, with additional detail on their social media accounts

Track Views

Track Views

Track number of website views, length of time on page, best pages, which page landed on and more

Real-time Reporting

Real-time Reporting

Get a real-time view of order status (paid, unpaid, cancelled, refunded)

Real-time Orders

Real-time Orders

Access real-time orders to support stock requirements and see what's popular with your audience

Customer Trends

Customer Trends

Discover trends in your customers' behaviour

Funnel Visualisations

Funnel Visualisations

Access clear funnel visualisations of the buying process and dropouts

Incisive store analytics

Incisive store analytics

  • See daily, 7-day, 30-day and 6-month views of your sales and products performance
  • Track customers who've purchased your products
  • Get a clear view of your product funnels
  • View carts and their status (abandoned, order completed, in progress)
  • See items in the cart and the value of the cart
Timescale Views

Timescale Views

Monitor your website traffic and find out where your visitors are coming from so you can see which channels are worth investing in

Customer Tracking

Customer Tracking

Get conversion reporting from individual websites so you can see what's working

Product Funnels

Product Funnels

Create, manage and get reports on your inbound referral links

Cart Status

Cart Status

See who your social media Influencers are, with additional detail on their social media accounts

Cart Value

Cart Value

Track number of website views, length of time on page, best pages, which page landed on and more

dashboard screenshot

Live View

See what's happening on your website right now and generate lists of visitors, the pages they've viewed, open carts and their contents/value so you react rapidly to changes, trends and churn.


Know your reach.
Build those relationships.

  • Get started right away - no setup needed - with an instant overview of your shop via Increasability's Home Report
  • Create multiple dashboards showing you exactly what you need to know for custom reporting
  • Generate clear, accessible, attractive pie, bar, line charts and data tables on selected metrics with drag 'n' drop builder

Understand your customers.
Cater to their needs.

  • See how individuals move through your store, find any pain points.
  • Create multiple dashboards showing you exactly what you need to know for custom reporting
  • Generate clear, accessible, attractive pie, bar, line charts and data tables on selected metrics with drag 'n' drop builder